Kredyt hipoteczny

Kryteria stosowane przy wyborze formy zabezpieczenia
Unik   ustala  formę  zabezpieczenia  kredytu  w  porozumieniu i redytobiorcą, biorąc pod uwagę: 11 rodzaj i wysokość kredytu oraz okres kredytowania, oraz indywidualne ryzyko związane z udzieleniem kredytu, echy danego zabezpieczenia wynikające z dotyczących go przepisów prawnych  oraz  umowy  zabezpieczenia,  przesłanki  i  zakres odpowiedzialności wynikającej z zabezpieczenia, sposób realizacji uprawnień banku przewidywany nakład pracy banku oraz koszt zabezpieczenia tani kredyt hipoteczny
banku i osób zainteresowanych, i realną  możliwość zaspokojenia  roszczeń banku,  w możliwie najkrótszym czasie, z przyjętego zabezpieczenia.
Rodzaj kredytu oraz okres kredytowania mają istotny wpływ na w formy zabezpieczenia. Na przykład hipoteka jako zabezpieczenie
i kredytu, ze względu na wysokie koszty związane z jej zabezpieczeniem dosyć skomplikowany sposób jej ustanowienia, powinna być U ii na wiana przy kredytach długoterminowych i średnioterminowych.
Kredytach w złotych ustanawia się hipotekę umowną, chyba że l hodzi o kredyt w rachunku bieżącym lub wekslowy, na zabezpieczenie i lórych ustanawia się hipotekę kaucyjną.
leżeli kredytobiorca posiada rachunek bieżący w innym banku, nuleży preferować jako zabezpieczenie kredytu poręczenie lub gwarancję płaty kredytu udzieloną przez ten bank. Można również przyjąć l !el in blanco z awalem banku.
Przy kredytach krótkoterminowych od klientów dobrze banko znanych można przyjmować jako zabezpieczenie kredytu weksle blanco.
In cyclothymia (also called "cyclothymia" or "cyclothymic disorder") the parties suffer from a long-standing instability in their mood with a change between a number of depressive phases and phases with slightly elevated mood (so-called hypomanic phases).

Those affected often suffer much from the depressive reach or hypomanic phases, the disease phase but not by definition the degree of bipolar affective disorder or recurrent depressive disorder.

2nd Diagnosis
2.1 Definition based on the ICD-10

The ICD-10 cyclothymia defined as a disease that is characterized by a persistent instability of mood with a change between a number of depressive phases and stages slightly elevated mood (hypomania). The depressive or hypomanic phases are not so pronounced that they meet the criteria for a bipolar affective disorder (ICD-10 F31) or recurrent depressive disorder (ICD-10 F33). The cyclothymia is common in relatives of patients with bipolar affective disorder. Some patients with cyclothymia eventually develop bipolar affective disorder themselves.
2.2 diagnosis according to DSM-IV

The diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder "(DSM-IV 301.13) is made if the people suffer for a period of at least two years from a number of hypomanic symptoms and episodes of a number of additional episodes with depressive symptoms.

The periods with hypomanic symptoms need to be characterized by a persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood for at least four days duration.

In the hypomanic phases must also at least three (at least four exist in only irritable mood) more of the below hypomanic symptoms. Symptoms that are caused by an antidepressant medication or psychological factors, may not be taken into account:

    * Overconfidence self-esteem or grandiose ideas
    * Decreased need for sleep
    * Increased talkativeness or pressured speech
    * Flight of ideas or subjective feeling of the thought lawn
    * Increased distractibility
    * Increased activity (social, vocational, educational, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
    * Preoccupation with enjoyable activities that go with high probability of unpleasant consequences (such as unrestrained shopping, sexual escapades, etc.)

The hypomanic periods may not be heavy enough to cause significant social or occupational functional impairment or requiring a hospital admission. There should be no psychotic symptoms, as would otherwise meet the criteria for a manic or mixed episode and not according to a cyclothymic disorder should be diagnosed.

During the first two years of the disorder (in children / adolescents one years) may have existed at any time an episode of major depression, a manic episode or a mixed episode. Later, the cyclothymic disorder "superimposed episodes occur."

The symptoms may not be better explained by a schizoaffective disorder. There must be no psychotic or delusional disorder. The symptoms may not be caused by the action of a substance (eg drugs or medication) or a physical illness factor.

The symptoms must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

Suitable differential diagnosis e.g. the dysthymia (DMS-IV 300.4), adjustment disorder with depressed mood (DMS-IV 309.0), the Bipolar Disorder (DMS-IV 296.xx), an episode of major depression (DMS-IV 296.xx) or a depressive AN disorder (DMS-IV 311) into account.

Third Epidemiology and course

The cyclothymia has a lifetime prevalence of about 0.5-1%. The cyclothymia is common in relatives of patients with bipolar affective disorder. Some patients with cyclothymia eventually develop in the course itself, a bipolar affective disorder.

4th Symptoms

The phases of the so-called hypomanic symptoms are characterized by a persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood that lasts at least four days duration.

Additionally occur in the hypomanic phase symptoms such as

    * Decreased need for sleep,
    * Increased talkativeness or pressured speech,
    * Flight of ideas or subjective feeling of the thought lawn
    * Increased distractibility,
    * Exaggerated self-esteem or grandiose ideas,
    * Increased activity (social, vocational, educational, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation,
    * Preoccupation with enjoyable activities that go with high probability of unpleasant consequences (such as unrestrained shopping, sexual escapades, etc.).

In the depressive phases can the appearance of symptoms such as feelings of depression, thoughts circles and brooding, excessive guilt, diminished self-esteem come so on.

5th Background and theory
5.1 Historical Development of the term "cyclothymia"

The term "cyclothymia" was coined in 1880 by the German psychiatrist Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum. Kahlbaum wanted to emphasize the idea that it is in manic and depressive episodes at the same stages of disease.

Currently, the term "cyclothymia" in the German language a little different than used in international diagnostic systems. Following Kahlbaum he is in the German language frequently used by analogy to the terms "bipolar disorder" or "manic-depressive illness. In the international diagnostic systems ICD-10 and DSM-IV, the term "cyclothymia" or "cyclothymic disorder", however, a rather mild disease that is associated with a change of depressive and exalted phases, which are not the severity of major depression or mania reach.

6th Therapy

The treatment of has been studied very little scientific. If known, the drug can, if necessary with lithium, carbamazepine and valproic acid may be helpful. The administration of antidepressants may be critical, as the sole antidepressant administration may result in about half of the cyclothymia patients to the occurrence of hypomanic or manic symptoms